In a word, 'wormal'

Someday I'll be eccentric...and you'll like it

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

So who's Greg

I'll get this out of the way now. Greg is not real. He is the embodiment of that guy all women hope to meet some day. My ideal is a Brendan Fraser-esque guy, handsome, funny, goofy and charming. I tried several names for this dream man--Joseph, Paul, Darcy etc., but for some reason Greg stuck. He leaves all the cabinets open and the lights on, and I can't get him to throw away his UCLA sweatshirt for anything. But every Wednesday at 4:17 he sends me a text because it was a Wednesday at 4:17 that he realized he loved me. We have what I call a companionable spark--friends with butterflies.

Now before you get the impression that this is a lovey-dovey blog, Waiting for Greg is about the life I'm living in the meantime. And I don't care if The Princess Bride warped my perception of romantic love -- I don't see the point in settling for anyone less than my Wesley. Er, Greg. And don't worry--you won't catch me Ally McBealing up the place. Being a Miss is its own adventure...

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